Episode 80 – Books that Matter

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We discuss the Books that Matter in this episode of Business Growth Time


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Terry and Janet both tend to read books on the topics of Business, Metaphysical, Spiritual or Self Help.  Fiction, to Janet seems like a “waste of valuable time”, because you’re not learning anything reading fiction.

03:44 – Janet’s first business book she read is called “Think and Grow Rich”.  She has read it more than once and refers often back to pieces of it.

Earl Nightingale, author, Nightingale Collins. the biggest publisher of self-help books and literature on the planet. He does an hour talk on the  core principles of  Think and Grow Rich. It’s a fantastic book and it’s like the Bible of success.

05:09 – One of Terry’s books he read when he was in his mid 20’s was Harvey Mackay’s book called “How To Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive”.  Harvey Mackay is from Minneapolis, where Janet lives.

Bob Burg, who we’ve had on the show Bob’s written Endless Referrals,  The Go Giver and my personal favorite, Winning Without Intimidation. all really excellent books, especially from our communications and open-hearted kind of communications spirit.

06:16 – Janet’s last business book she has read is  Tony Robbins called “MONEY, Master the Game”.  It has tons of information: how to deal with financial planners and wealth managers and what that whole thing looks like and just really about the velocity of money.

08:01- Terry’s last read book  is called,  A Rational Persistence.  It’s the story of a company that was based here in Michigan that is called Garden Fresh, which is a salsa company.

  • So these guys started this business out of the back of a restaurant and continue to grow it
  • Any entrepreneur that’s ever stuck it out knows what it feels like to smash your face into the wall over and over and over again. That is the  kind of the story this is.
  • The secret to having a best seller on the New York Times bestselling author list, is to buy a ton of your books and give them away. For example, buy 8,000 book and have an audience of say 1,200 and give them away .

10:40 – Top three books on the bookshelf of Terry!

  • Illusions by: Richard Bach
  • Way of the Peaceful Warrior by: Dan Millman

They were introduced to him in his early 20’s and still among his favorites as life changing books.

It’s a great role and it’s a bit of pretty decent movie although the books a lot better! so those two are hands-down as good as anything I’ve ever read.

  • “The Answer” was co-written by a guy named Murray Smith, who is a business consultant out of Canada, he’s a super high-end turn around specialist, he turned around Dave and Busters and he wrote the business aspect of the book.  Then, John Assaraf, who was in The Secret, wrote the spiritual half.
  • The Four Agreements, should be required sixth grade reading and perhaps our planet would be in much better shape.

13:15 – Janet’s Top three books on the bookshelf

  • The One Thing
  • The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk
  • The Power of Storytelling by Ty Bennett and it’s all  just all about telling your story

What we do, you have a lot sitting in front of you, a lot of reading emails, social media, etc.  and learning all  day long.  So, you go to bed and you have a hard time to set aside that for learning when you are in relaxation mode.  Set aside a simple 20 minutes a day is a good goal to have to read a few pages of a good book, somewhere in your day.

18:05 – What kind of book do you want to buy?

  • A book called Are You Up for The Challenge? written by a guy named Rod Hairston

He worked directly with Tony Robbins for a number of years and it was a was a great book, it really narrows down some things, mindset.

  • The other books called “Three magic words”   and then the other one is “Psycho-Cybernetics”

19:34 -Janet’s book is  Tool of Titans book by Timothy Ferriss

Janet’s mindset coach recommends it highly and it is about the tactics, routines and habits of billionaire and icons and world-class performers and it’s latest book of Timothy Ferriss, who also wrote the 4 Hour Work Week and the 4 Hour Body


An author that if they came out with a book they’d have to get: Janet-Tony Robbins,  Terry’s choice is Gladwell …author of The Tipping Point, The Outliers, he’s great at storytelling and relatable hard core information.

22:11 – Janet’s plan to have writing a book!  It’s happening sooner than later. She believes in real-world examples and has permission from her clients to use their info as case studies.


….So ‘Ernie’ (the name for the audience), what are your favorite books out there? What are the books that matter to you?


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