Show 40 – Massively Increase Reach and Engagement with Facebook Video – transcript

Show 40 – Massively Increase Reach and Engagement with Facebook Video – transcript

Hey everyone, it’s Janet Johnson with Social Media Hangout Time, welcome! I’m here today, we’re going to be talking about specifically Facebook and video. 2015, yey, it’s 2015! Well you know what that means it’s time to look at your marketing and some possible changes that need to be made. And some of them are going to be, maybe a little more difficult than you had planned on. You know the one thing with video is it’s not necessarily the easiest, most simple thing to create videos. But we’re going to talk about a little bit about how to improve your videos and how to create those videos easily.

So why are videos important?

Well that’s what we’re going to discuss today. Videos on Facebook, specifically. Now I’m not against YouTube, I’m actually creating this specific hangout through YouTube. So I really like Google+, the Hangouts and YouTube for search engine friendliness, that kind of thing. So I still think there’s definitely a place specific for YouTube video. But the world of Facebook video is definitely changing. And the world of Facebook is changing in the reach aspect. And so what’s been happening is the video’s been able to, upload videos directly to Facebook has increased the reach and engagement dramatically on Pages.

Now recently I just wrote a guest post for Post Planner. And I’d like to cover a little bit of that today so that you can see exactly why you need to start adding video to your marketing plan if you don’t have it in there already because I’ve been doing some specific case studies. And then I did a write-up for Post Planner. So I’m going ahead and pull that up and I will share the screen. But if you’re not, if you don’t happen to be watching that’s fine. I’m not going to make it complicated or anything like that. So let’s go ahead and share that and now I’m going to pull up the one that I did, here it is.

So we’re talking about Facebook and I specifically tested four different pages. Those four pages were too small, smaller businesses, the local business that mostly target the cities. I tested it on my own page. And then one of my clients happens to be a band member from Chicago, and from the band Chicago. He is a former band member, his name is Bill Champlin, excellent coolest guy. And we tested uploading videos directly to his Facebook page vs the YouTube videos and it did definitely make a difference.

So let’s look at these case studies and I’m going to walk you through it. First was the small local business, one of those. LearningRx has 650 fans and the example that I’m showing actually have five different posts and their average reach is typically 70-100. So let’s just say 70. Their typical engagement is about 5-10 likes, comments, that kind of thing. Well, let’s look at the video. So remember I said the reach was 70 before. The reach organically with no paid is almost a thousand – 946. Wohoo! Yeah, whow. So basically what this is telling us is that the videos reached nine times the normal amount of people and with the boost, we did a little bit of an ad on theirs, it reached forty-five hundred people. Okay, that’s scenario number one.

Let’s go to scenario number two. An orthodontist office – Lakeville Orthodontics, my orthodontist. And this is a local business, they have about a thousand fans. I think there are about eleven hundred now. Their average post, say their average reach is anywhere between 50 and a hundred. Their average engagement is maybe 5 to 10 likes and comments. Now we took and uploaded a video. Two hundred fifty seven is the reach. Not as drastic, we didn’t do any advertising. We did not boost this at all. So we went from about the average of 50 out to 257. Then they had 34 clicks, likes, shares, comments – basically the difference is they usually have 5 to 10 went up to 34. So it brought it up to three times the normal engagement. Not too bad!

Now let’s look at the bigger page, Bill Champlin. He has eighty-five hundred fans. His normal reach is high, very high but you know, when he’s a famous musician that tends to happen. Reach is 3,000 to 4,000. Engagement is typically 300 to 500 likes and comments. Now, let’s just look at the reach on the low-end with 3,000. Now he posted a video and the reach went up to approximately, let’s just say in the middle, about 7,000. So 3,000 to 7,000 which is almost over double. Now the engagement at 300 to 500 engaging things happening, basically likes, comments and shares, that went up to from the average of 300 up to over a thousand. So now we’re at three times the normal engagement and over doubled the amount of reach. We’re getting somewhere here.

I’ve seen there’s a pattern, there’s a pattern whether it’s a small business or whether it’s a large business, there’s definitely a pattern.

Then my page I have over 3,000 fans. I loaded three different videos here and I’m showing one video, specifically. The reach was a hundred plus and sorry, my average reach, my normal reach is typically over a hundred. And the reach for this video was 700. Okay so we went from 100 up to 700. Then the engagement is normally about,  I can have engagement at zero, believe it or not. I can have engagement at 5 to 10. And I can have engagement at 30, 40, 50. But my average, I would say is 5 to 10. So let’s say this video, let’s look at the video. That one had 66. So we went from the average of 5-10 up to 66 for engagement. So that’s six times the normal engagement. And as for reach, seven times the normal reach. So video definitely made a difference.

So in conclusion, yes, posting videos increase reach and engagement big time. So are you going to be adding videos is the question. Now let me go back and I want to make sure that you have this link, I will also put this in the show notes but it’s, well everything’s dashes here, successful Facebook videos on pages. But I’m suggesting you look in my show notes because that will be a whole lot easier. So I want to go back to the hangouts and I’m going to stop the screen share and come back. So I hope that screen share worked here.

And I want to finish up with just basically I am putting together a program and this program is going to be called Social with Video. You can find out the information on This program is going to be four weeks, it’s a workshop. It’s going to cover everything from setting up your YouTube channel, all the different pieces you need there from set up to engagement, how to do the YouTube channel and use the YouTube channel because I still believe in YouTube. How to be posting out to the different social networks and we’re going to come up with tons and tons of ideas on what to do with video so that you have, I want you to have ideas and strategies and a plan for the entire next year of videos because you need to be using videos. So check out my new program and the link is I will also have this Post Planner blog post with all the different graphics right inside of the show notes. Thanks for joining me.